Get to know me

Working towards collaboration, compassion and care


my story

I have worked in the creative and corporate industries for a decade, yet have always had one foot in the ethereal realms - learning the ways of yogis and training in Reiki and Shamanic practises amongst others. My approach to Hypnotherapy is a gentle blend of these learnings, combined with certified training I have undertaken by one of the most inspiring figures in the industry, Andrew Parr

Having worked with subtle energies, it is my understanding that we have a great pool of wisdom within each of us, and rebuilding our connection to ourselves is the core to revealing what we need to know for healing and change to take place. This is what I aim to achieve in every session; to facilitate personal exploration whilst guiding a client to their inner-being with the greatest care for personal transformation to take place.

my mission

To move towards a world motivated by compassion and based on true collaboration across physical and imagined borders. A world in which we consciously care for our planet and recognise ourselves in each other. 

My Vision for my clients

I take my clients’ trust very seriously, and promise to act with your best interests at heart at all times. We move at the pace which is right for you, in order to work on what arises in a safe and compassionate way.   

When we hold emotions inside, we deny the expression of our true self, and in doing so withhold our energy from the world. 

It is my ultimate goal for you not only to resolve the symptom or issue that lead you to me, but for you to be reminded of your own unique vibration, - that which makes you - You. My aim is for you to feel lighter and freer in who you are, to feel your own energy and be able to express yourself in your truest form, without unconscious beliefs holding you back.

My Values

Balance: When we are in balance, our whole being is in harmony - our beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions. Healing happens when we create and nurture this state of inner balance.

Truth: When we are in connection with our truth, we can understand our inner world. When we understand ourselves, we can understand others.

Presence: When we are fully present, we are in a state of complete trust. When present, we can’t be stuck in the past, or worried about the future - so we trust the unknown.